
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We Would Like to Thank the Academy. Finally.

Somewhat recently - keeping in mind that time is a relative thing - we received some blogging awards from some of our peers in which we are greatly appreciative of. You aren’t supposed to end a sentence with “of” are you? Oh well you already gave us the awards so it’s too late to complain about it now suckers!!!

Where was I? Oh yes, gracefully accepting these awards from our fellow bloggers.

First we would like to apologize for being so incredibly late on saying thank you for receiving these awards. But in our defense the quills we use to write our posts come from the rarest of Danish grouse which are very difficult to import. Not to mention time consuming. Plus we are really wanting to win that longest-to-say-thank-you for-an-award award. The LTSTYFAAA.

Anyways, the first award came from Trucking Tumbleweed (aka Stacey) from Confessions of a Tumbleweed. Before we get to the award part we should give a little history.

As you can imagine, when we first launched PCPPP there was an explosion of excitement across the lands. The housing market finally started to improve and there was an overall buzz in the air that the world had not experienced since Wang Chung first came onto the scene.

But quickly after launching, the PCPPP hysteria started to level off which we assumed was because of the European markets or something. Additionally, summer was just rolling around which is like the death season for blogs, so at this point in PCPPP historylore we were hardly getting any page hits or comments.

But during these dark times Tumbleweed became a loyal PCPPP follower and commenter. She was virtually there at the very beginning of PCPPP and has supported us right up to the present, where we now have well up to a half-dozen or more readers that have turned PCPPP into the empire it is today.

So thank you Tumbleweed for all your PCPPP support. Pat and I often talk about how once we are rich and famous, we are really looking forward to completely forgetting about all the people that supported us beforehand. Well, there will definitely be a special place in our PCPPP hearts when we completely forget Tumbleweed.

But not only does Tumbleweed have excellent taste in blogs that she comments on, she herself has one of the best blogs around, Confessions of a Tumbleweed which is about her life as a professional passenger. She and her husband drove around the US as a self-employed one truck-trucking team and her blog is all about their adventures and the places they traveled.

Tumbleweed’s writing is both humorous and fascinating. She has an uncanny gift for making you feel like you are actually experiencing her adventures with her. Confessions of a Tumbleweed is one of those rare blogs that even if you took away the great humor you are still left with an incredibly interesting blog. There are amazing posts about navigating New York City in a semi, visiting the spam museum, killing time with Liberace Rabbit, and giving us an award.

However, Tumbleweed has recently moved on to a new chapter in her life which included retiring from the trucking life. She has now opened up the This-N-That Second Hand Store, and based on the pictures she has posted on its facebook page, this store is the coolest second-hand store this side of the Mississippi. I’m sure you are probably now asking yourself “I wonder which side of the Mississippi he’s talking about?”. The answer is both sides. Including in the river itself.

Therefore you should go over to the This-N-That facebook page HERE and “like” it. Even if you don’t live in Douglas, Wyoming where the store is located it’s worth becoming a fan. The pictures and comments Tumbleweed posts are funny and quite captivating.

But onto the award! Tumbleweed created the Unicorn Chicken Award and gave us the honor of being its first recipient.

Thee Unicorn Chicken Award.

Since we were the first winners we are hoping that the award will eventually be named after us, like that dude Oscar that won the first academy award. Yes, someday people will be saying “and the PCPPPer goes to....”

The next award came from Robyn from Hollow Tree Ventures which is a blog that Wang Chungs the hell out of the European markets. I guess Hollow Tree Ventures is technically what one calls a “mommy blog” but believe me, even if you have no idea what a child is, you’ll love this blog. This woman is hilarious and has the ability to make you laugh out loud about any topic. And I don’t laugh out loud easily (LOLE!). Over at Hollow Tree Ventures you’ll find amazing posts about tips on how to be an artist, planning for summer, and giving us an award. She also has the dramatic and always intriguing soap opera series As The Dollhouse Turns going on over there. In a recent episode Sunny’s husband Buzz finds out their daughter Charmeuse is dating the Incredible Hulk!  Will it end in murder? I don’t want to give anything away but it totally does!

The next award came from Marian from Just Keep Swimming, which is another one of those “technically” a “mommy blog” but is more of a funny fun time fun machine blog. She’s the one who started the fantastic Swimming Telephone blog story-game (which we will be a participating in in the near future) and her blog has a cool aquatic visual theme to it. And when I say aquatic, of course I mean a heated-swimming-pool type aquatic. Like nature intended. Over at Just Keep Swimming you’ll find amazing posts about dealing with the evil Blockbuster corporation, winning a prize for creating a new He-Man Masters of the Universe character, and giving us an award.

The last wasn’t technically an award but was more of a very amazing mention and shout out to PCPPP and deserves just as much thanks. It came from Meredith of Mom of the Year who also has an outstanding blog. Mom of the Year is all about finding the humor in parenting which us parents all know is vital to keeping ourselves from diving off the deep end with the most expensive box of wine Safeway has to offer. Over at Meredith’s blog you’ll find amazing posts about how her husband is in awe of her, the things she’s currently not digging, and giving us a very honorable shout out.

Now most blogging awards come with some list of rules of things you are supposed to do when accepting the award but as most you I’m sure are aware, Pat and I don’t play by the rules. Except for when it comes to playing ping-pong. Because without rules, ping-pong would just be a firestorm of chaos.

So in lieu of following the rules we are just going to say thanks!

Pat, would you like to add anything? And why are you wearing a tuxedo?

Pat: I always wear a tuxedo. Just makes things easier.

Yes, I have something I’d like to add. Do you really think we’ve worked so hard to perfect our skill and craft as to belittle ourselves and our artistry by referring to what we do as “Ping Pong”? It’s Table Tennis, buddy, and how many damn times do I have to remind you of that? “Ping Pong” is what ruffians do in the basements of their miserable suburban dwellings. What we do--the skilfull back-and-forth volleying of reactive plastic--requires great skill and diligence and focus. Seriously!

So...we won some awards? Killer! ‘Course, the way you described those three blogs, it sounds like they should get the awards. They sound really cool! I think I may go check them out.

Christian: Fine. Without rules table tennis would be a firestorm of chaos.

But yes Pat, you should check these blogs out. You would be doing yourself a great disservice if you didn’t. That goes for all you too, dearest cherished readers.


  1. Ugh, procuring Danish grouse quills is such a PAIN...if you do it legally. I got this guy, he is willing to swallow giant balloons filled with live Danish grouse. Getting the grouse out is a bit messy, but oh is it worth it to side-step customs and import fees.
    Glad to see you two get rewarded for your verbal table tennis. Congratulations on your well-earned accolades.

    1. Thanks! Also, does your guy deliver your Danish grouses alive? I forget to mention that we really prefer the quills to be from live Danish grouses. Quills from dead ones just doesn't have the same feel and balance.

  2. Congratulations. Your style of table tennis makes me smile then chuckle. More posts please! 'Cause you're both funny! And I love funny!

    1. Thanks so much. If you really want a good laugh you should see us play real table tennis.

  3. Excellent work winning those awards. And Pat is quite right to always wear a tuxedo. You never know when a formal-dress-only award ceremony, Table Tennis match, or Beach Volleyball game will arise.

    1. Man, if only I could describe what he normally wears for Beach Volleyball. You've seen the movie Flashdance right?

  4. Nice job tidying up your pile of awards - I hate it when they sit around cluttering up the entryway with post-its stuck to them reminding you to "thank this" and "link that" and "whatever the whatever." So thanks for the thanks, and you're welcome.

    And the award for stupidest comment on PCPPP goes to...

    1. I like the sound of "pile of awards". This must be what it's like to be Meryl Streep. But without the talent.

  5. Congrats on your awards and your eventual acceptance of them.

    1. That's nice of you to say...
      ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Thanks!

  6. So glad you got your latest shipment of grouse quills in! I was getting antsy waiting for a new flash of brilliance from you guys. And thanks for the shout-out--very appreciated. Also, am thrilled to know you guys define aquatic in the heated-swimming pool type. Makes me feel even more that we're on the same page with the important things in life.

    1. Yes there is always a huge amount of excitement anytime a shipment of Danish grouse quills arrives at the PCPPP campus.

  7. Awesome recognition, especially since you solve the most complex and meaningful problems the human soul must surmount in order to achieve true enlightenment.

  8. Oh my god! All of these congratulations for winning these awards is almost more fun that winning those awards! Can we do more posts about winning awards? I feel GREAT today!

    1. I'm thinking we should just start giving ourselves awards. Then we can do posts about thanking ourselves for the awards. The key here is that it's always about us.

  9. Yall totally deserve them all because you're worth it.

    Plus, look at all the nice things you said about ME! You really should do this kind of thing more often.

    May the Unicorn Chicken live on in perpetuity! (my favorite word next to Chechnya)

    1. I never realized it before but you are right, Chechnya is a pretty kick ass word. Like Munchausen.

  10. I feel so underdressed as I wandered into this awards ceremony! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks! Don't worry about your dress attire. I have a pretty consistent fashion style that one could describe as "just got done mowing the lawn".

  11. Congrats on the awards! Also, wearing a tux all the time is good advice. Last time I accepted my awards, I was in my underwear, but people don't understand that as an unemployed blogger, that's pretty much my typical wardrobe. Long story short, I'm no longer allowed within 50 feet of an award, or so the court order says.

    1. Oh man if I had a dime for everything the courts said I'm not supposed to be within 50 feet of I would be arrested since I'm not supposed to be within 50 feet of dimes.

  12. Sorry -- I was forced to quit reading after you ended your sentence with a preposition...


    p.s. Heading over to the other blogs, by the way. Awesomely, I've not heard of most of them, which means, I think, that I'm in for a treat.

    1. Yeah sorry about that "of". The problem is once I start ending sentences with "of" I have a hard time not ending them with "of".

  13. LOLE! BTW- You do make me LOLE so here is an insider tip - The markets are crashing in Europe because they refuse to play ping pong by the rules. Shhh.

