
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sith Lord Shaming

The PCPPP offices are still closed for the long Thanksgiving weekend - OK, fine we can’t find our keys - so in lieu of a regular post we give you Sith Lord Shaming which we started doing on our Facebook page which can totally be liked by going here, here, or here or all the way over here and then clicking “like”.

The whole “shaming” thing we believe started with dog shaming, then there was baby shaming, and then mom shaming, etc. So obviously the next logical step was Sith Lord Shaming. Here you go:


  1. I don't know why you claim this isn't a post. This is absolutely a post. Also, I think Count Duku (however you spell it) would be more ashamed of being dead in real life.

    1. Wait, Christopher Lee isn't dead is he? The internet says no. But maybe the internet is who killed him and is now covering it up. Calling 9-1-1 now.

  2. Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic, but I wanted there to be more of them!!!!! Can't wait to share with my 15 year old son when he gets home!

    1. Thanks! We may have a few more up our sleeves that we'll post on Facebook or somewhere at some point.

  3. Nice - this should have gone viral. If I had any idea how to do that... well, I'd do it for myself... but then TOTALLY this.

    1. Yes please, once you go viral please let us know how you did it and then we'll give it a shot. Just an FYI, calling your mom to tell her about the post isn't enough.

  4. Too funny! So glad I found you over at Amy's site. I needed a laugh today.

  5. I love how this shows the Sith Lords are just regular dudes - it must be hard to keep up that "I will destroy you all" attitude day in and day out. I mean, it's not hard for me, but I'm more evil than most people.

  6. Totally hilarious! Also a new approach to avoiding exercise - always appreciated.

  7. Very funny stuff! I'm glad Naps Happen shared you so I could laugh this afternoon.

  8. This is awesome. I'm one of the mom-shamers and I love where this led you.

    1. Thanks! Sith Lords had it coming with their strutting around all high and mighty like.

  9. I LOVE THIS! I have gotten carried away with the shaming one is safe. I shamed myself, my dog, my neighbors and my husband. Next? My own sweet mother.
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

    1. In addition to Sith Lords I also thought about shaming my alarm clock. It has it coming, believe me.

  10. Darth acutally *looks* ashamed on the asthma one. He should too. Lying to an insurance company is bad.

    1. Especially the Galactic Empire's Insurance company. Those guys have very high and evil deductibles.

  11. Where's the Jedi shaming? I mean, for real.

    I want to see Obi Wan, "I claimed that Anikin was my bestie forever, my brother. But when he turned to the dark side, I cut off his limbs and left him for dead near a lava pool."

    1. Oh definitely. I'm sure those sissy Jedis with their blue and green light sabers have plenty to be shameful of.

  12. Love them all! But my faves are the first and fourth. Good show, boys!

    1. Thanks! Yeah I'm sure Darth Vader has all kinds of social issues what with him going around force-choking everyone.

  13. Vader is AMAZING at interior decorating. The white paneling with gaps makes a room feel so much larger.

  14. That's awesome. I love shaming of any form. You need one of Alec Guinness saying, "I was a classically trained actor and all people remember me for is being Obi Wan Kenobi."

  15. I thought Darth Maul had recently been to a face painting booth at a local county fair. I've learned so much.

    1. No. A lot of people think that but Darth Maul hadn't been to the county fair ever since he got sick off a gyro that one time.

  16. I was dying over these when you first posted and eager to comment, but then made the rookie error of passing the laptop to my husband so he could check them out. He, of course, thought this post was the best thing ever, shared it all over, and I never got the laptop back that night. So this is delayed, but these rock. Will expect you to be in the bonus footage for the new movie.

    1. Thanks to you and your hubs. Hopefully the new movie will have some more Sith Lords. Currently there are so few to shame.

  17. Darth Vader sneaking around on Facebook behind the Stormtroopers backs made me laugh so hard I snorted in a very un-ladylike manner and now Dude will be making fun of me over it for the rest of the night...still? Totally worth it...

    1. Glad it was worth it. I like to think Darth Vader spends most of his Facebook time posting various wilderness pictures that have inspirational quotes on them.

  18. This is so hilarious! I am sharing it FO SHO.

  19. This was awesome. I totally respect that Darth wants to keep his work and social lives separate. It's just smart when you think about it. Let's all learn from the Vade. (That's what I call him when we tweet.) Ellen
