

Point Counter-Point Point Point is a blog written by Christian and Pat (or Pat and Christian depending on which one of us you ask). In this blog we discuss and debate a variety of everyday topics and issues.

We have gathered our knowledge and exploded it onto our blog for your benefit. There is no limit or focus, both topically and mentally, as to what we will cover. We have forgotten or never learned more knowledge than you will ever not learn or care about combined. And we will bring you that knowledge and non-knowledge hard. Plus, the sum of our two strengths combined equals one relatively strong monkey. Just an FYI.

We typically publish once a week on the chosen sacred day of Thursday. Although we do occasionally take a week off here or there (we aren’t made of machines people!).


  1. Sounds like GREAT fun! I think I'll follow!!!!

  2. I love things for my benefit. I may be blue but I'm human. Thursday is a sacred day - That's when my weekends begin.
