A little bit ago the Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms asked on their facebook page what was the most embarrassing concert you have ever attended. I gave my response and after looking at all the other responses I quickly, and silently, anointed myself the king of the most embarrassing concert attended.
Both Pat and I are huge music fans and have been to many concerts/shows in our lifetimes therefore I thought we would see who wins at having attended the most embarrassing concert.
You’re probably asking yourself why does it matter who wins since the winner isn’t really winning anything? WRONG! The winner will win victory. Victory is good.
So Pat, would you like to go first and then hear mine or should I say mine first? Either way I will win victory.
Pat: Wait. Embarrassing for ME or embarassing for THEM, the artist/musician? In either case, I think it might involve Fishbone, but I want clarification.
Christian: Embarrassing for you. Also, keep in mind you aren’t going to win victory with Fishbone.
Pat: Oh. Really? Well, define the terms of the contest then. What sort of embarrassing are we aiming for? Like, embarrassing that I paid money to see someone ridiculous, or embarrassing that I behaved a certain way at the show?
In either case, I think it might involve Fishbone.
Christian: Embarrassing that you paid money to see someone so ridiculous. I’m going to go ahead and assume you are going to go with Fishbone.
HAH! Fishbone, nice try. No, I’m pretty sure I’ve got you beat. I once went and saw a little old band that sang and danced around like dandelions in a summer’s breeze. Perhaps you know them. They were(are?) called MENUDO!
I did a image search for Menudo and every pic seemed to be of a different group of kids.
I think Menudo was one of those bands that would kill off their members when they got too old.
That’s right. I saw Menudo. In concert. On purpose.
Pat: Hold on.
One, I don’t believe you. You may THINK you saw Menudo, but I don’t think it was Menudo. Couldn’t be. Because, whether you saw them when, like them, you were under 16 or more recently as an adult, the ramifications of you seeing Menudo BY CHOICE are enough to potentially bring an end to this blog partnership. Are you sure you weren’t just eating at a Mexican (sorry...Puerto Rican) restaurant with some bandera music playing in the background?
Two, while I have paid good money to see Fishbone during a couple of their questionable phases, I will stand by my sanity and declare those good decisions. When they’re on, they are REALLY on, and it makes the bad shows easier to swallow.
No...my most embarrassing would have to be last summer when, at my daughter’s request, I took she and her cousin to a Miranda Cosgrove concert at a local county fair. And it wasn’t cheap! You might know her better as iCarly (I sure didn’t!). And the worst part? Amid all of those pre-teeners and questionable adult county fair-goers...I kinda’ liked it. It was like aural bubble gum that you could dance to. And, man, did I dance. Not sure my daughter or niece will go to another concert with me.
Oh...and I’ve also seen Paul Williams and Sheena Easton. They’re pretty good contenders, yeah? ‘Course, I was young and I think my parents paid for those shows. Does that count?
Christian: Of course it counts. Although Paul Williams and Sheena Easton still don’t compare to Menudo. Come on we’re talking Menudo!
And yes I did see them. I believe it was during my middle school years or maybe late grade school, I don’t recall. It was at the Lane County Fair but I will admit that I’m pretty sure I only went because my friend wanted to go, but needless to say I did see them. Alive!
As a side note I also saw Kenny Loggins during his Danger Zone tour at the Lane County Fair. That guy should have been the fifth Beatle!
As for your iCosgrove concert thing you went to; I’m not familiar with who or what that is but taking your daughter to it kind of alleviates the embarrassing part of it since you were going because of your daughter. You can’t be embarrassed for doing something for your daughter.
Pat: Man, you really want this one, don’t you? I’m tempted to concede and give it to you, simply to avoid a tantrum...but I can’t!
C’MON! Was Menudo ever in a Neutrogena™ commercial targeting young, zit-tastic pre-teen girls?
Alright...in a last ditch effort, I’ll just throw out some concerts I vaguely (or vividly) remember attending and let YOU decide if they come close to the shame you feel for attending the Menudo show:
-Howard Jones (by the way...I did my best to dress up like Howard Jones for that show)
-Simply Red
-Club Nouveaux (I could not tell you who or what they were, but their name stays with me)
-PIL (not normally shameful, but Johnny Rotten--a bit heavy at the time--wiped his ass with a dollar bill and then flung it at the audience...who all quickly ran away from it)
-Stovokor (not sure if you know them, but this is Portland’s all-Klingon metal band)
That’s about all I’ve got. Take your best shot!
Christian: Not even close.
I have also seen U2 and Stovokor (not at the same time. plus I know a couple of the Stovokor guys) and none of the others come even close to touching Menudo. They wish they could touch Menudo in their dreams! That didn’t come out right.